Good Fit Books- Video
Book Marks to print
Daily 5 pictures to use for students to show where they are working.
Daily 5 Icons
Read to Self
Daily 5 in Intermediate
Listen to Reading
Access books on your computer or your i-pad for students to listen to.
Interactive Cafe Menu Board
Just click on the above link and use the interactive menu to help you find books to support a strategy you want to teach.
Teachers Pay Teachers is a great spot for free downloads around Daily 5 and Cafe. You have to sign in and get an account but there are hundred's of free things there as well. Check it out.
Another Great Idea for Word Work

Here is another great idea for work work activities. The picture accompanying the activity is all they really need as way of explanation. With a perfect example of what the finished product should look like, students can look at this chart, pick the activity they want to use to practice their words and away they go! For more great ideas go to:
Show this to your students when teaching or reviewing "good fit" books.
Use the Powerpoint presentation below to explain Daily 5 to your intermediate students.
Read to Someone

In Amanda Slade's classroom, students practiced how to read to someone with a sock puppet first. They made puppets and then sat down and read with the puppet. The first time, the sock puppets were misbehaving and not paying attention. Then the student had to remind them of the way "Read To Someone" should go according to the anchor chart the class had build together.
Read to Someone

After working with the sock puppets on "how" to Read With Someone, students are engaged in the activity and get on with the task. NOtice everyone's eyes are on the text and the intensity of the boy who is listening.
Read to Self

This student is very engaged in Reading to Self. Notice the "space" he is using. By having a spot to sit like this, students are able to define their own space and get on with the job of reading. This also really helps with students who find it difficult to settle into their task. Using the mat defines the space for the student to sit.
Word Work

These students are building rhyming words. The word family is -ump and they have magnetic letters to use to build the word first then record it on the white board. Sometimes word work may involve working with a partner. Other times, it may involve working by themselves.

This student is engaged in writing during Daily 5. The topic stems from the book, Jump, Frog, Jump! This student is writing things they know about frogs.
Why Use Daily 5?

- It is a simple structure that helps students develop a love of literacy and daily habits of reading, writing, and working independently that will lead to a lifetime of literacy independence.
- It allows students to build behaviours of independence and stamina by participating in as many as five authentic reading and writing choices: Read to Self, Work on Writing, Read to Someone, Word Work, and Listen to Reading. These choices are not “activities” or “centers,” but tasks designed to equip students with practical, useful, lifelong skills that will be relevant and applicable to their lives both inside and outside of the classroom.
- Because students are highly engaged in authentic literacy work and practice, teachers are not wasting time on classroom management, but are using every moment to meet the needs of students, either individually or in small groups.
- The method of providing short bursts of focused, highly intentional instruction aligns beautifully with current brain research on how children learn.
- Because the structure holds no content, teachers are free to use any and all resources to meet school, district, and provincial requirements.
- The extended, independent reading and writing practice results in measurable student progress, which is even more accelerated when layered with CAFE instruction.
- ( taken from an article on the Daily 5 Website)