Shared Reading
Try this website for more information about Shared Reading.
Teaching Comprehension Strategies?
Check out this website that provides many lessons. It is called Into the Book and provides many ideas to teach prior knowledge, making connections, visualizing, questioning, inferring, etc.
Book Tasting?
Book Tasting is a great way to introduce your students to several books. The idea is to have students spend some time looking at the books at their table, read the information and discuss with others at their table. They then record the titles of books they would be interested in reading. Students can move to another table and continue to look at more books to add to their reading list.
Literature Circles
If you are looking for some information about doing Literature Circles with your class please read this blog.
There is lots of useful ideas for using Lit Circles successfully.
There is lots of useful ideas for using Lit Circles successfully.
Got some Reluctant Readers?
Check out these tips if you have some reluctant readers in your classroom. It is worth a read to see if there are any ideas that may help to inspire students in your classroom.