I would like to thank the kindergarten teachers of Abbotsford for arranging the "Kinder Edcamp" that I attended today. It was a great opportunity to meet, talk, share and learn from our neighbouring district. It is amazing that such powerful professional development can come from simply talking to others. No one had to prepare a workshop or presentation. Everyone contributed to the discussion and shared what they were doing in their classroom. Ideas were exchanged and questions were asked of each other. I attended three sessions and believed I came away with ideas from each. Topics that were covered included struggling learners, Daily 5, using nature in K, technology (ipads, blogging), self-regulation, and many others.
What I think is interesting about the concept of edcamp is that it supports the idea of collaboration and reflection being so important in moving our teaching forward. As teachers, we spend most of our day isolated in our classrooms. We need the time to discuss our beliefs about teaching and bounce ideas off each other. This is how we become better teachers. This is how we can transform our teaching.
Edcamp - what a great idea!
What I think is interesting about the concept of edcamp is that it supports the idea of collaboration and reflection being so important in moving our teaching forward. As teachers, we spend most of our day isolated in our classrooms. We need the time to discuss our beliefs about teaching and bounce ideas off each other. This is how we become better teachers. This is how we can transform our teaching.
Edcamp - what a great idea!